Title: Nascent entrepreneurs in e-marketplace: the effect of founders' self-efficacy and personality
Authors: Trianggoro Wiradinata
Addresses: UC Town, Citraland, Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya, 60283, Indonesia
Abstract: Nascent entrepreneurs have more alternatives nowadays to start or expand their business since the growing years of e-marketplace. Determinants of the use of e-marketplaces by nascent entrepreneurs for the purpose of business start-up were constructed as hypothetical model. Factors concerned with self-efficacy, personality traits and intention to adopt technology were included and the model was verified and modified using survey from a sample of 378 Indonesian nascent entrepreneurs. The results from the final model confirmed some relationships that previously been published in previous studies such as entrepreneurial self-efficacy, openness to experience and conscientiousness. Furthermore, there were several new findings of causal effects on intention to adopt due to self-efficacy and personality traits. Despite the theoretical contribution of the findings, practical interpretations are offered as norms of increasing the adoption level of e-marketplaces by nascent entrepreneurs for the purpose of business start-up.
Keywords: e-marketplaces; personality traits; nascent entrepreneurs; founder self-efficacy; intention to adopt; TAM; technology acceptance model; entrepreneurship; start-ups; Indonesia; openness to experience; conscientiousness.
International Journal of Electronic Business, 2017 Vol.13 No.2/3, pp.163 - 182
Accepted: 06 Jul 2015
Published online: 23 Mar 2017 *