Title: The effect of communication strategy on the relationship between strategy execution (organisational level) and organisational performance: a middle level managers' perspective at higher education institutions
Authors: Mohammed R.A. Siam
Addresses: School of Business Management, University Utara Malaysia, Kedah, 06010, Malaysia
Abstract: This study aimed to analyse the effect of communication strategy on the relationship between strategy execution and organisational performance of universities. The proposed constructs of independent variables were organisational level of analysis (organisational size, organisational structure, organisational culture, and reward system), and communication strategy. Specifically, the communication strategy was tested as a moderator. In other words, the effects of these three constructs were measured against organisational performance. The study was developed based on general system theory and contingency theory. The total respondents were 236 and all of them are working with the higher education institutions in Palestine. Based on SEM-PLS to analyse the data, the study found that specific strategy execution with a specific communication strategy produced better organisational performance. Finally the findings provide invaluable implication to theory and practice on execution of strategy of service based institutions like universities.
Keywords: strategy execution; organisational size; organisational structure; organisational culture; communication strategy; organisational performance; higher education; middle management; reward systems; system theory; contingency theory; universities; Palestine; SEM-PLS; structural equation modelling; partial least squares.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2017 Vol.10 No.2, pp.158 - 186
Received: 27 Sep 2016
Accepted: 11 Oct 2016
Published online: 27 Mar 2017 *