Title: Curriculum network graph: relative contribution of courses
Authors: Natarajan Meghanathan
Addresses: Jackson State University, Mailbox 18839, 1400 John R. Lynch Street, Jackson, Mississippi, MS 39217, USA
Abstract: We propose a centrality and topological sort-based formulation to quantify the relative contribution of courses in a curriculum network graph (CNG). We normalise the values obtained for each centrality metric as well as the level numbers of the vertices in a topological sort of the CNG. The contribution score for a vertex is the weighted sum of the normalised values for the vertex. The relative contribution scores of the vertices could be used as a measure of the weights to be given to the courses for curriculum assessment and student ranking as well as to cluster courses with similar contribution.
Keywords: curriculum network graph; CNG; centrality metrics; topological sort; relative contribution; curriculum assessment.
International Journal of Network Science, 2017 Vol.1 No.3, pp.223 - 247
Received: 16 Jun 2016
Accepted: 22 Aug 2016
Published online: 11 Apr 2017 *