Title: Decision-making styles and leadership: evidences from the UAE
Authors: Gantasala Venugopal Prabhakar; Ali Yaseen
Addresses: School of Management, New York Institute of Technology, USA ' School of Management, New York Institute of Technology, USA
Abstract: It is recognised that the managers play a significant role in the organisational performance, work improvements and employee satisfaction. Decision making styles and leadership styles have given the managers the ability to take the decisions, participate with others or ask their employees to handle the matters. United Arabic Emirates has a vision to emerge as a developed country. Therefore, the UAE Government has emphasised on building leadership and decision-making capabilities. Accomplishments that evidence decision-making and leadership capabilities have been recognised with several excellence awards. This research aims at analysing decisionmaking styles and leadership and relation to performance using a questionnaire that was distributed to leaders in the Government-administered policing sector. The questionnaire takes into consideration various decision-making and leadership approaches that respondents perceive as contributing to performance. Presented also is a model to strengthen decision-making styles and leadership approaches.
Keywords: decision-making styles; leadership; UAE.
International Journal of Management Development, 2016 Vol.1 No.4, pp.287 - 306
Received: 17 Oct 2015
Accepted: 09 Oct 2016
Published online: 11 Apr 2017 *