Title: Experiencing agro-biodiversity: a project for an app for the botanical garden of the University of Modena
Authors: Elena Corradini; Claudio Cadei; Giada Gatto
Addresses: Department of Engineering 'Enzo Ferrari', University of Modena, via Vivarelli 10-41125, Modena, Italy ' Department of Engineering 'Enzo Ferrari', University of Modena, via Vivarelli 10-41125, Modena, Italy ' Department of Engineering 'Enzo Ferrari', University of Modena, via Vivarelli 10-41125, Modena, Italy
Abstract: The botanical garden is here considered as a place to educate the visitors, especially young people and their families, students and teachers, about agro-biodiversity, in order to inform them about landraces that characterised and still characterise the rural territory of Modena through multiple channels, physical and digital, combined in one integrated program. A specific work is intended to concern the botanical garden fruition, through the realisation of educational visit itineraries that add a new virtual dimension to the classical observation of plant species in the botanical garden. The realisation of an app, through the use of the augmented reality, allow to convey information about historical and contemporary diffusion of landraces in the landscape of the Modena area, providing a symbolic context in which young people is stimulated to preserve memory and local identity through a valorisation of diversity, also in cultural terms.
Keywords: Modena; botanical garden; agro-biodiversity; education; rural landscape; information and communication technology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEPDM.2017.083916
International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making, 2017 Vol.2 No.2, pp.143 - 151
Received: 24 Feb 2016
Accepted: 04 Oct 2016
Published online: 26 Apr 2017 *