Title: Water pollution monitoring of the Lujan River (Argentina): chemical analyses and hepatic biomarkers in Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles
Authors: Natalia Alejandra Ossana; Patricia Mónica Castañé; Bettina Lorena Eissa; Alfredo Salibián
Addresses: Basic Sciences Department, National University of Lujan (UNLu), P.O. Box 221, (B6700ZBA)-Lujan, Argentina ' Basic Sciences Department, National University of Lujan (UNLu), P.O. Box 221, (B6700ZBA)-Lujan, Argentina ' Basic Sciences Department, National University of Lujan (UNLu), P.O. Box 221, (B6700ZBA)-Lujan, Argentina ' Basic Sciences Department, National University of Lujan (UNLu), P.O. Box 221, (B6700ZBA)-Lujan, Argentina
Abstract: The toxicological water quality of the Lujan River (Argentina) was monitored during one year seasonal samplings. Water samples were collected at two points and their toxicological profiles were compared: S1 (reference site), located downstream of a major city and S2, located further downstream, beyond a joint urban sewage and industrial discharge point. A number of abiotic parameters were determined and three water quality indices (WQIs) calculated on the samples. Laboratory toxicity bioassays were conducted exposing Lithobates catesbeianus larvae to samples; a third group of animals were exposed to tap water (controls). Hepatic biomarkers were determined: catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, lipid peroxidation (LPO) and GSH content; CF and HSI were calculated. The scores of the WQIs corresponded to a high pollution condition at both sampling points. ANOVA showed significant differences between sampling sites and controls mainly in CAT activity, GSH content and GST in autumn.
Keywords: peri-urban river pollution; Lujan River (Argentina); Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles; hepatic biomarkers; oxidative stress.
DOI: 10.1504/IJENVH.2017.083975
International Journal of Environment and Health, 2017 Vol.8 No.2, pp.150 - 163
Received: 01 Mar 2016
Accepted: 07 Jul 2016
Published online: 29 Apr 2017 *