Title: An UHD video handling system using a scalable server over an IP network
Authors: Hiroyuki Kimiyama; Mitsuru Maruyama; Masayuki Kobayashi; Masao Sakai; Satria Mandala
Addresses: Network Innovation Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Yokosuka-shi 239-0847, Kanagawa, Japan ' Department of Information Network and Communications, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0292, Japan ' PFU Business Forerunner Limited, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan ' NTT IT Corporation, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 231-0032, Japan ' School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Abstract: Ultra-high definition (UHD) videos, such as 4K and 8K, have four times higher resolution than current HDTV videos. Broadcasting stations want to deliver these videos with as little loss as possible. However, uncompressed UHD video handling systems, such as storage and transmission systems, on IP networks are not available. We researched and developed a scalable high-speed video server system to store and deliver HD or 4K videos without compression by adapting a PC cluster technology. To handle videos with higher resolution than 4K, we also developed a method that synchronises with multiple the servers and 4K video transmission systems. We achieved 54 Gbit/s delivery performance with single cluster server comprising 24 PCs. We also implemented the synchronisation method on the server and QG-70 video transmission system. As a result, we were able to demonstrate the world's first bi-directional, real-time, uncompressed 8K-video transmission system and the 8K video-on-demand system.
Keywords: ultra-high-definition video; scalable high-speed video server; 8K-video transmission system; 8K-video on-demand system.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAMC.2017.084094
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication, 2017 Vol.7 No.1, pp.1 - 19
Received: 18 Jul 2015
Accepted: 08 Feb 2016
Published online: 10 May 2017 *