Title: E-learning: using standards and reengineering techniques to maintain programme quality
Authors: Susan Haugen, Robert Behling
Addresses: Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 105 Garfield Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54702 4004, USA. ' Arrowrock Technology Inc., 803 Timberline Court, Chesapeake, VA 23320, USA
Abstract: Education is experiencing a technological revolution as institutions seek new ways to deliver educational opportunities. To meet these challenges, colleges and universities are turning to the internet and the World Wide Web. By establishing and maintaining standards, institutions can more effectively reengineer their learning programmes to deliver high quality online education.
Keywords: e-learning standards; e-learning reengineering; e-learning programme quality; electronic learning; online learning; web-based learning; online education.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2006 Vol.3 No.2, pp.161 - 173
Published online: 19 Dec 2005 *
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