Title: An innovative scaffolding teaching through the internet
Authors: Szu-Yuan Sun, Teresa Ju, Pei-Chen Sun
Addresses: Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, No. 1, University Road, Yenchao, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ' Department of Information Management, Shu-Te University, No. 59, Hun Shan Road, Yenchao, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ' Institute of Information and Computer Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, No. 116, Ho-Ping First Road, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Abstract: In this study, the internet and the constructivist scaffolding teaching theory are applied to develop an instructional model for use in the research methods curriculum of first year graduate studies. In addition to alleviating conflicts teachers face regarding division of their time, energy and capability, scaffolding teaching also takes advantage of traditional aspects of teaching – namely face-to-face communication and interaction – while making up for deficiencies in internet teaching. To realise the effects of this instructional model, analysis of the differences in learning results between the constructive scaffolding teaching model with internet assistance (CSTMIA) and the traditional teaching model (TTM) and experimentation have been adopted for use in this study.
Keywords: scaffolding theory; teaching model; scaffolding teaching; internet teaching; instructional model; research methods; graduate studies; teaching model; learning performance; learning satisfaction; teacher-student interaction; learning capabilities; teacher workload; e-learning; online learning; communication.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2006 Vol.3 No.2, pp.227 - 244
Published online: 19 Dec 2005 *
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