Title: Spatial and temporal analyses on exploring the relationship between wastes and mortality in UAE
Authors: Faisal G. Khamis; Muna F. Hanoon
Addresses: College of Business Administration, Al-Ain University of Science and Technology, Al Ain, UAE ' Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Abstract: Wastes have a number of negative consequences, such as infecting by many dangerous diseases or illnesses, leading likely to the mortality and causing in environmental pollution. The objectives are to investigate whether the spatial autocorrelation in wastes and in mortality exists in the UAE and to explore the spatial relationship between wastes and mortality in the UAE over time. The study design was a cross-sectional time-series analysis. The data of seven emirates over six years (2009-2014) for wastes and four years (2009-2012) for mortality were obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics in the UAE. Descriptive statistics and a spatial and temporal analysis were carried out using global and local Moran measures. Global Moran's I for wastes was found significant but for standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was not found significant in all years. Local Moran's Ii for wastes was found significant only in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, but for SMR was not found significant in all emirates. Therefore, it does not make any sense to investigate the spatial relationship between wastes and SMR over time.
Keywords: spatial; temporal; mortality; wastes; emirates; Moran measures; clustering; relationship; time; global; local; UAE.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2017.084379
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2017 Vol.13 No.4, pp.349 - 359
Received: 18 Oct 2016
Accepted: 19 Oct 2016
Published online: 06 Jun 2017 *