Title: The cost-effectiveness of major HIV/AIDS interventions in rural and urban areas in South Africa
Authors: Josue Mbonigaba; Saidou Baba Oumar
Addresses: School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa ' Department of Economics, The University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon; Department of Economics and Management, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon
Abstract: The shortage of resources required to address the high burden of HIV/AIDS disease in South Africa necessitates the adoption of efficient management strategies for major HIV/AIDS interventions in rural and urban areas. With a view to advising policy makers on the optimality of such management strategies, this paper uses Markov state transition models, the spectrum policy modelling system and sensitivity analysis to estimate the cost-effectiveness (CE) of these interventions. The study finds high variations in the CE of the interventions across rural and urban areas. These variations in CE can be reduced by addressing structural factors in these areas.
Keywords: expenditure; disease; South Africa; behaviour; life; people; modelling; Markov.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2017.084387
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2017 Vol.13 No.4, pp.413 - 434
Received: 07 Mar 2016
Accepted: 11 Sep 2016
Published online: 06 Jun 2017 *