Title: Challenges in academic commercialisation: a case study of the scientists' experiences
Authors: Outi-Maaria Palo-oja; Marke Kivijärvi; Eeva Aromaa
Addresses: Business School, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, Kuopio FI-70211, Finland ' School of Business and Economics, Jyväskylä University, P.O. Box 35, Jyväskylä FI-40014, Finland ' Business School, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 1627, Kuopio FI-70211, Finland
Abstract: This paper introduces findings from a 2-year commercialisation project, KnoPro, where a Finnish university and few life science companies together with a number of intermediary organisations searched for business opportunities for academic research. The data of this intensive case study are organised in narrative episodes in which the actors attached versatile meanings to commercialisation. The episodes illustrate how academics approach commercialisation from the research perspective without true commercial efforts. They prioritise research and teaching ahead of commercialisation which constitutes a challenge for commercialisation. According to this study, successful commercialisation necessitates thinking in business terms, e.g. researchers should learn to use sales arguments when promoting their research.
Keywords: academic culture; academic research; business development; challenges to commercialise; commercialisation; knowledge transfer; life science; sensemaking; university-business cooperation; university-industry partnership.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMS.2017.084393
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2017 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.23 - 37
Received: 03 Feb 2016
Accepted: 03 Jan 2017
Published online: 06 Jun 2017 *