Title: Fabric of counter-narratives: agency and ventriloquism
Authors: Marianne Wolff Lundholt
Addresses: Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Universitetsparken 1, Kolding 6000, Denmark
Abstract: This contribution focuses on the fabric of master and counter-narratives by drawing special attention to CCO theory (Communication as Constitutive of the Organisation), as this has proven to be an important contribution to its theorisation. This contribution seeks to elaborate some of the observations and key terms in order to illustrate their potential as analytical tools, in particular the terms 'agency' and 'ventriloquism'. To unfold some of the counter-mechanisms, the contribution will use examples from the discourse that emerge from what has been referred to as the 'white saviour complex'.
Keywords: agency and ventriloquism; communication as constitutive of the organisation; counter-narrative; master narrative.
DOI: 10.1504/EJCCM.2017.084516
European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 2017 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.316 - 325
Received: 18 Sep 2015
Accepted: 16 Nov 2016
Published online: 12 Jun 2017 *