Title: Polyphase FIR filters and Fant's re-sampling algorithm for securing information in critical information infrastructures: a new approach

Authors: Dan E.C. Gheorghe

Addresses: Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Romania

Abstract: Efficiently managed algorithms and functional models are built so that they can comply with large scale of hardware devices, which can bring new life and offer extended capabilities to present day and future information devices. In this study, a newly derived algorithm has been implemented. It supplies coefficients to be used in a structure similar to the one that the finite impulse response filters use. From the theory of texture mapping, it is well known that different scaling factors must be applied to each pixel from the picture to obtain the textured image. It is necessary to design different filters and compute new coefficients each and every time the scaling factor would change. Taking the satisfactory results of the Fant|s re-sampling algorithm as a reference, a novel algorithm is introduced. This fits the specifications of the finite impulse response filter functionality. The present paper proposes a new method to compute the coefficients to be used later in a new algorithm that tries to reproduce the texture mapping technique by using a single filter for different scaling factors.

Keywords: resampling; FIR filters; finite impulse response filters; tap coefficients; Fant|s algorithm; critical infrastructures; information infrastructures; texture mapping.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2006.008500

International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2006 Vol.2 No.1, pp.83 - 95

Published online: 23 Dec 2005 *

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