Title: Conducting appreciative inquiry in the virtual world
Authors: Debora Elam; Kristine Brands
Addresses: Regis University, 7450 Campus Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USA ' Regis University, 7450 Campus Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USA
Abstract: Technology today allows individuals and organisations to bypass physical boundary limitations to expand access to information in fields such as education and medicine and leverage the work of teams across the world through the use of technologies such as web-based teleconferencing and voice over internet protocol (VoIP). This paper looks at how virtual technology was applied in the conduct of two case studies that applied Thatchenkery's (2005) appreciative sharing of knowledge (ASK) model and provides lessons learned. This paper includes best practices for researchers and process consulting practitioners in order to effectively utilise technology and identifies some additional factors for future consideration and research.
Keywords: appreciative inquiry; AI; virtual research technique; appreciative sharing of knowledge; ASK; best practices; virtual collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2017.085260
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2017 Vol.17 No.1/2, pp.37 - 47
Received: 12 Mar 2016
Accepted: 26 May 2016
Published online: 19 Jul 2017 *