Title: Development of blue ocean strategy in dairy industry in Iran (evidence from Kalleh Company)
Authors: Mohammad Taghi Amini; Nahid Saravi-Moghadam
Addresses: Management Department, Payam e Noor University of Islamic Republic of Iran, P.O. Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Management, Economics and Accounting, Payam e noor University, P.O. Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: One of today's most frequently discussed topics in the business world is how to escape from the intense red ocean and how to create an uncontested blue ocean. Therefore, the blue ocean strategy provides companies with guidelines on how to escape from intense competition over the same market space, where there are limited customers with an increasing number of competitors, by creating a new market space where there is less competition if any. This study aimed to develop a model in Kalleh Company of blue ocean strategy practical orientation, for a single-stage survey was conducted. This survey is used by collecting information through a questionnaire distributed to 265 managers and professional experts working in Kalleh Company as the sample. A survey and structural equation modelling (SEM) was used for data analysis. The results of study have shown that the most and least important factors the four-action framework of blue ocean strategy in Kalleh Company are create, raise, reduce, and eliminate variables respectively. The findings in this paper support the four-action model of blue ocean strategy in Kalle Company. The paper shows that industry managers and executives should try to influence; create, raise, reduce, and eliminate in their organisations.
Keywords: blue ocean strategy; BOS; red ocean strategy; value innovation; focus on the big picture.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMCP.2017.085835
International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 2017 Vol.10 No.3, pp.301 - 319
Received: 06 Mar 2017
Accepted: 09 Mar 2017
Published online: 15 Aug 2017 *