Title: MAROQ: a resource allocation model driven through quality of experience
Authors: André D'Amato; Mario Dantas; Douglas D.J. De Macedo
Addresses: Research Laboratory of Distributed Systems (LaPeSD), Department of Informatics and Statistic (INE), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopólis, SC, Brazil ' Research Laboratory of Distributed Systems (LaPeSD), Department of Informatics and Statistic (INE), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopólis, SC, Brazil ' Department of Informatics, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Abstract: The trend of grid computing available on the internet has generated challenges to the allocation of resources provided by this type of environment. Many of these challenges can be solved by the quality of experience paradigm that takes into account several context parameters. In this context, this paper presents the proposal of a new quality of experience-driven model for resource allocation for grids named MAROQ. We detail an experimental evaluation using context information with MAROQ that presents improvements of 7.46% on the average execution time of tasks.
Keywords: grid computing; data management; distributed system; quality of context; quality of experience.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2017.085918
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2017 Vol.8 No.2, pp.82 - 93
Received: 20 Oct 2015
Accepted: 06 Mar 2016
Published online: 18 Aug 2017 *