Title: Château Kefraya, a small-medium sized Lebanese winery with a socially responsible business model
Authors: Nadine Dubruc; Sélim Mekdessi; Danie Khawaja; Daniel Chartouny
Addresses: Henri Fayol Institute/COACTIS (EA 4161), EMSE, 158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France ' Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon ' Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon ' Department: Administration and Finance, Chateau Kefraya, Dolphin (Fattal) Building, 4th floor, Daoud Aamoun Street, Sin-el-fil, Beirut, Lebanon
Abstract: This paper focuses on the study of a Lebanese SME, Château Kefraya, operating in the wine sector, with a particular emphasis on its business model. Therefore, this research falls within the framework of a qualitative approach; it is based on a single case study. It highlights the development of the SME, from a wine producer to a company offering, in parallel, services especially related to wine tourism. Elaborating the business model of Château Kefraya has yielded a representation of this winery and reveals how its value is generated, remunerated and shared. Based on the obtained results, we were able to underline the importance of labelling to ensure quality in the SME and its commitment to corporate social responsibility.
Keywords: Lebanese SME; winery; business model; BM; corporate social responsibility; CSR; Labelling; quality; business model matrix; socially responsible BM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2017.085983
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017 Vol.32 No.1/2, pp.28 - 46
Received: 13 Dec 2015
Accepted: 09 Mar 2016
Published online: 21 Aug 2017 *