Title: A new project management approach for R&D software projects in the automotive industry - continuous V-model
Authors: Sergiu Stefan Nicolaescu; Horatiu Constantin Palade; Danut Dumitru Dumitrascu; Claudiu Vasile Kifor
Addresses: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, LBUS: Bd-ul. Victoriei, No.10, Sibiu, 550024, România ' Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, LBUS: Bd-ul. Victoriei, No.10, Sibiu, 550024, România ' Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, LBUS: Bd-ul. Victoriei, No.10, Sibiu, 550024, România ' Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, LBUS: Bd-ul. Victoriei, No.10, Sibiu, 550024, România
Abstract: Most current work activities in R&D centres are innovative and dynamic, with project management acting as the discipline that governs them. The improvement of PM methods has become a necessity due to the following main factors: classical methodologies are increasingly difficult to apply, cutbacks in project duration are requested by organisations and customers, demands for product quality are continuously expanding. The paper examines how PM concepts are used in developed R&D projects, based on the V-model approach. It also introduces an enhanced new approach called Continuous V-model - CVM, based on agile concepts. The model has been applied on a real automotive R&D project and the resulted KPIs have been benchmarked to the standard approach on a similar project. The main result of this research is an incremental PM concept that may easily include changes requested by the customer, reducing development time and number of errors in the final delivered package.
Keywords: project management; automotive organisation; V-model; agile development; continuous improvement; R&D; customer; software projects; project gates.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2017.086448
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2017 Vol.12 No.2, pp.120 - 142
Published online: 10 Sep 2017 *
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