Title: Corporate finance in renewable energy investments - a review about theory and practice
Authors: Christian Hürlimann; Dolores S. Bengoa
Addresses: The Business School, University of Gloucestershire, The Park, Cheltenham, GL50 2RH, UK ' University of Applied Management Studies, Neckarauer Str. 200, 68163 Mannheim, Germany
Abstract: This paper examines key topics in corporate finance relevant for valuating renewable energy (RE) investments - typically a non-traded asset (NTA) and an asset type often ignored by many valuation literatures. We begin by discussing principal valuation methods from the academic financial literature, and draw on empirical survey demonstrating their relevance in practice. The key discussed topics include the applied methods in capital budgeting, cost of equity estimation, and risk analysis and mitigation. In each topic, we suggest how adequate the methods are to be applied for valuing RE investments, based on the nature of such investment projects, before rounding off the topics with a project valuation adjustment and risk management framework we propose. This paper lays the groundwork for further research as it presents work-in-progress, followed by the data collection phase with a survey amongst investors and financial advisors within the researched population. Therefore, empirical results will be presented at a later stage. We conclude with a theoretical and research agenda for future work.
Keywords: capital budgeting; cost of capital; cost of equity; asset pricing; risk assessment; risk mitigation; investment return; risk-return-evaluation models; non-traded assets; private equity; renewable energy; green investments.
Global Business and Economics Review, 2017 Vol.19 No.5, pp.592 - 631
Received: 29 Jan 2016
Accepted: 21 Apr 2016
Published online: 13 Sep 2017 *