Title: The moderating effect of gender on the online luxury market: how perceived intimacy influences male consumers' buying intentions
Authors: Jean-Éric Pelet; Monia Massarini; Basma Taieb
Addresses: ESCE International Business School, Paris, France ' Department of Cultural Studies and Human Heritage, University of Udine, Italy ' Université de Cergy Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Abstract: The online luxury goods market is growing and in order to stay competitive, luxury brands need to improve the online experience they offer their customers. With this in mind, we investigate the effects of the perceived ease of use, perceived intimacy and perceived social value on consumers' online buying intention and consider the moderating effect of gender. A quantitative study based on an online survey involving 395 participants was conducted in the USA and a linear regression was run to analyse the data. Results show significant effects of the perceived ease of use and social value on buying intention, but no effect of the perceived intimacy on buying intention. However, gender moderates this link, suggesting that males are more concerned with their personal data. Managers should develop digital platforms that offer a true and reliable relationship in order to increase the perceived intimacy and buying intentions of male consumers.
Keywords: luxury brands; e-commerce; buying intention; gender; perceived ease of use; perceived intimacy; perceived social value.
Luxury Research Journal, 2017 Vol.1 No.3, pp.260 - 282
Received: 18 Mar 2017
Accepted: 11 Apr 2017
Published online: 24 Sep 2017 *