Title: Exergy analysis of the process of regeneration of spent sulphuric acid by WSA technology
Authors: Lubka Georgieva Atanasova
Addresses: Faculty of Technical Sciences, Inorganic Chemical Technology Department, University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"-Burgas, Prof. Yakimov str.1, Burgas 8010, Bulgaria
Abstract: A process of production of sulphuric acid by the WSA technology was examined using design data from the Haldor TOPSOE Co., published in the literature. The survey of the literature showed that an exergy estimation of the process of sulphuric acid regeneration by the WSA technology has not been made so far. The aim of the present study is to estimate the exergy efficiency of the process of sulphuric acid production by the WSA technology and compare it to the existing ones. The exergy losses were determined and analysed, as well as the overall exergy efficiency of the process. The total exergy losses were high -3387.36 MJ/t. The external losses were 25.75%, internal ones а -74.25%. The exergy efficiency was found to be 52.4%. The exergy analysis made is of practical importance and can be used by the sulphuric acid producers when choosing an efficient technology for the installation.
Keywords: exergy; exergy analysis; exergy efficiency; sulphuric acid; sulphuric acid production; wet gas sulphuric acid technology.
International Journal of Exergy, 2017 Vol.24 No.1, pp.57 - 81
Received: 12 Oct 2016
Accepted: 17 Jul 2017
Published online: 01 Oct 2017 *