Title: Information technology in relation to human resource management: an impact evaluation study on Indian banking sector
Authors: Tanu Shukla; Chiranjeevi Kanna
Addresses: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, India ' Business Intelligence Unit, Axis Bank, Mumbai, India
Abstract: The intention of this article is to explore the influence of information technology in the banking industry. Efficiency and effectiveness set up a yardstick for the sustainable development of the banking industry. The intervention through information technology is an evolving concept, yet needs to be explored on an empirical basis. Information technology (IT) has become a vital fragment of the existing world while human resource management (HRM) globally has been affected in a number of ways through its adoption and application. The effect of such adoption on HRM is assessed with the help of selected private banks in India. The study aimed at defining the role of IT and CRM in the banking sector in customer satisfaction. It can be concluded that, for banks to remain competitive to deliver quality services to customers, there is a considerable need to be innovative by adopting and diffusing various IT innovations. The research analyses the banking sector vis-a-vis technological growth in the banking sector and tries to bridge the gap between traditional banking and banking laced with IT and customer relationship management. Along with this, it tries to impart the importance of technological amendments in the banking sector, which directly or indirectly boosts the economy of the country.
Keywords: information technology; customer relationship management; human resource management; HRM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2017.087142
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2017 Vol.17 No.3/4, pp.266 - 281
Received: 05 Feb 2016
Accepted: 20 Feb 2017
Published online: 06 Oct 2017 *