Title: The impact of perceived organisational support on organisational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organisational trust
Authors: Ali Nasr Isfahani; Ali Rezaei
Addresses: Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran ' Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: This study examines the relationships between perceived organisational support (POS), organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and organisational trust; and the mediating role of organisational trust on perceived organisational support and OCB. The population under study were all experts from National Iranian Drilling Company among whom 158 questionnaires were distributed. Of these 158 questionnaires, 146 questionnaires were completed; of these completed questionnaires, six were excluded, because many items were left unanswered. Finally, 140 questionnaires were analysed. Results showed that there is a positive significant relationship between perceived organisational support and OCB and organisational trust. There is a positive significant relationship between OCB and organisational. Also, the meditating role of organisational trust is supported in relation to the perceived organisational support and OCB. The results of PLS show that the baseline model is supported.
Keywords: organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; organisational trust; perceived organisational support; POS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2017.087754
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2017 Vol.13 No.4, pp.441 - 458
Received: 05 May 2016
Accepted: 22 Aug 2016
Published online: 01 Nov 2017 *