Title: Big-CAF: a bigraphical-generic cloud architecture framework
Authors: Zakaria Benzadri; Chafia Bouanaka; Faiza Belala
Addresses: University of Constantine 2 - Abdelhamid Mehri, LIRE Laboratory, Constantine, Algeria ' University of Constantine 2 - Abdelhamid Mehri, LIRE Laboratory, Constantine, Algeria ' University of Constantine 2 - Abdelhamid Mehri, LIRE Laboratory, Constantine, Algeria
Abstract: Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm that enhances grid computing but in the sense of the utility computing principle. Hence, it attracts more attention in both industry and academia. However, there are still many obstacles that are slowing down its adoption and growth. An important and challenging issue in this area is how to associate a clear semantic to cloud architecture concepts. Based on BRS (Bigraphical Reactive Systems) theory, the paper presents a formal framework that provides mathematical definitions of main elements involved in a cloud architecture, specifying its static structure and dynamic evolution. As a consequence of this formalisation, a practical implementation based on Maude and its model checker is proposed to ensure the correctness of cloud systems.
Keywords: cloud computing; cloud layered architecture; virtualisation; formal methods; bigraphical reactive systems; model checking.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGUC.2017.087812
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2017 Vol.8 No.3, pp.222 - 240
Received: 15 Jul 2015
Accepted: 05 Mar 2016
Published online: 05 Nov 2017 *