Title: Perspectives on productivity: identifying attributes influencing productivity in various industrial sectors
Authors: Raju Kamble; Lalit Wankhade
Addresses: Production Engineering Department, SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded 431606, India ' Production Engineering Department, SGGS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded 431606, India
Abstract: The attributes affecting productivity concept have received much attention in the past four decades, however, different scholars who have investigated productivity issues have done it mostly independent of each other and widespread literature review has not been presented so far. This paper provides a review of several research papers published in core journals on productivity. The paper aims to identify the key attributes, so as to improve productivity and performance of various industrial sectors. This review is characterised by three factors: wide coverage, broad scope of productivity improvements, and a focus on attributes affecting productivity. The paper further categorises identified attributes into five major key factors: human resource management (HRM), organisational culture (OC), production methodology (PM), management strategy (MS), and performance (PER). Attributes are then tabulated and the meaning of each attribute has been explained. The study also helps to determine productivity index (PI) to assess current productivity-maturity-level of any industry.
Keywords: attributes; categorisation; key factors; productivity; literature review.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2017.087868
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2017 Vol.22 No.4, pp.536 - 566
Received: 12 Feb 2016
Accepted: 13 Oct 2016
Published online: 06 Nov 2017 *