Title: Optimum path routing algorithm using ant colony optimisation to solve travelling salesman problem in wireless networks
Authors: Ankit Verma; Jay Shankar Prasad
Addresses: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MVN University, Haryana, India ' Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MVN University, Haryana, India
Abstract: This paper proposes an enhanced clustering ant colony routing modified algorithm for use in solving standard difficulties of travelling salesman problem of wireless networks while keeping quality parameters like optimum time, optimum distance and optimum path, designed for comparison with other algorithms. The algorithm works on the field of ant colony optimisation which is a vast area in swarm intelligence, that is widespread for solving complex problems of information technology. The algorithm selects the optimum route by keeping optimum time and optimum distance as major parameters and solves the principles of optimum path routing.
Keywords: optimum path routing; wireless sensor network; mobile computing; performance enhancement; travelling salesman problem; ant colony optimisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2017.088080
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2017 Vol.13 No.2, pp.131 - 138
Received: 28 Feb 2017
Accepted: 01 May 2017
Published online: 21 Nov 2017 *