Title: Development of an electronic homebuilding standardised method

Authors: Gerry Goldstein; June Wei

Addresses: College of Business, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL 32514, USA ' College of Business, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL 32514, USA

Abstract: This paper aims at developing a set of standardised electronic business solutions for the homebuilding industry. Specifically, it first develops a strategic value chain model in the electronic homebuilding industry. Secondly, a set of tactical electronic homebuilding management solutions are derived. Thirdly, pattern analysis is conducted on the top dominate homebuilding companies. Finally, discussions as well as managerial implications are presented. The results of this research will help to enhance the electronic business adoptions in the electronic homebuilding industry.

Keywords: electronic value chain management; homebuilding; electronic business.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2017.088192

International Journal of Services and Standards, 2017 Vol.12 No.1, pp.31 - 46

Received: 01 Feb 2017
Accepted: 08 Sep 2017

Published online: 27 Nov 2017 *

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