Title: Cost risk analysis and learning curve in the military shipbuilding sector
Authors: Abderrahmane Sokri; Ahmed Ghanmi
Addresses: DRDC CORA, 101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON, Canada ' DRDC CORA, 101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Abstract: The learning curve shows how unit costs can be expected to fall over time. It has been demonstrated that learning is a major cost risk driver in defence acquisition projects. It can be affected by changes in processes, resource availability, and worker interest. This paper examines the risk that military ship builders may not realise expected production efficiencies. A probabilistic risk approach is used to portray the learning curve risk and estimate the corresponding cost contingency. A case study using a military shipbuilding project is presented and discussed to illustrate the methodology.
Keywords: risk analysis; cost contingency; military; shipbuilding; learning curve.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDATS.2017.088356
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 2017 Vol.9 No.4, pp.300 - 313
Received: 27 Oct 2015
Accepted: 02 Aug 2016
Published online: 05 Dec 2017 *