Title: Analysing timed compatibility of web service choreography
Authors: Maya Souilah Benabdelhafid; Béatrice Bérard; Mahmoud Boufaida
Addresses: LIRE Laboratory, Constantine 2 – Abdelhamid Mehri University, Chaab Erssas, Constantine, Algeria ' LIP6 Laboratory, UPMC & CNRS, Sorbonne University, Paris, France ' LIRE Laboratory, Constantine 2 – Abdelhamid Mehri University, Chaab Erssas, Constantine, Algeria
Abstract: Web services has become the most mature implementation of the service oriented computing (SOC) paradigm. The verification of behavioural compatibility is then necessary to ensure correct composition of services, which depends not only on qualitative properties such as absence of deadlock but also on some quantitative properties related to performance. Most of the proposed approaches verify the composition in service orchestration modelling. However, service choreography is more collaborative in nature and describes direct interactions between services. Although many existing approaches use Petri nets (PNs) and Colored PNs (CPNs) to analyse behavioural compatibility, few of them explore time constraints. We propose to model service interactions in a choreography with timed CPNs and perform automatic verification and simulation using CPN tools. We evaluate our approach with a case study from the Algerian e-Government, where we show how to verify global time constraints for the renewal of biometric passports.
Keywords: web service; choreography; compatibility; composition; formal modelling; timed CPNs; time constraints; performance analysis; simulation; CPN tools.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCBS.2017.088368
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 2017 Vol.7 No.3, pp.253 - 278
Accepted: 08 Jan 2017
Published online: 05 Dec 2017 *