Title: A framework to collect and extract publication lists of a given researcher from the web
Authors: Cristiano Mesquita Garcia; Armando Honorio Pereira; Denilson Alves Pereira
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil ' Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil ' Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil
Abstract: Researchers usually publish their publication lists on the web. Collecting and extracting them can be of great value to research funding agencies and to applications such as academic network analysis and ranking systems. Because of the wide variety of citation styles and different web page formats, it is not straightforward to develop an automatic system to collect and extract researchers' publication lists. In this paper, we describe the method used by our framework to collect and extract publication lists. It is composed of two tools, named Raposa - Citation Extractor, and Tucano - Publication Lists Collector. Raposa uses a method that identifies regions in the web page containing citations and the delimiters separating them. Tucano collects publication lists by submitting queries to a web search engine. Experimental results show that our framework obtains 93.5% of F1 measure for collecting publication lists, which is a better value when compared to Google Scholar.
Keywords: citation extractor; publication lists collector; web search engine.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2017.088391
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2017 Vol.12 No.3, pp.234 - 252
Published online: 05 Dec 2017 *
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