Title: Information and communication technology strategies to improve international competitiveness in the wholesale and retail trade sector
Authors: Seon Levius; Mahdi Safa; Kelly Weeks
Addresses: Information Systems Management, Caribbean Export Development Agency, Baobab Tower, Warrens, Barbados ' College of Business, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA ' Lamar University, Business Building, Room 273, Beaumont, TX 77710, USA
Abstract: The study explored the information and communication technology (ICT) strategies that managers of Barbados's wholesale trade businesses use to improve international competitiveness in Barbados. The resource-based view theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data collection included semi-structured interviews with 15 business managers, participant observation, and organisational document analysis. Data analysis and methodological triangulation revealed four themes that helped to understand the findings within the context of the research question and the purpose of the study. These themes included competitive position and response, internal factors, IT-specific factors, and ICT experiences. Implications of social change include providing business managers with specific knowledge on ICT strategies used to improve international competitiveness in Barbados and an understanding of desirable and undesirable perspectives held regarding these strategies.
Keywords: information and communication technology; ICT; international competitiveness; wholesale and retail; globalisation; organisational environment; economic partnership.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2018 Vol.20 No.1, pp.128 - 138
Received: 20 Oct 2016
Accepted: 11 Jan 2017
Published online: 14 Dec 2017 *