Title: A system dynamics simulation tool for the management of extreme events in urban transportation systems
Authors: Stefano Armenia; Georgios Tsaples; Camillo Carlini; Claudia Volpetti; Riccardo Onori; Gianluca Biondi
Addresses: Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering 'Antonio Ruberti', University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy ' Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering 'Antonio Ruberti', University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy ' Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering 'Antonio Ruberti', University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy ' Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering 'Antonio Ruberti', University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy ' Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering 'Antonio Ruberti', University of Sapienza, Rome, Italy ' MAS Consulting, Advanced Simulation models for Business, Milano, Italy
Abstract: The objective of the paper is to present a simulation-based interactive environment that could help decision-makers to evaluate the direct, indirect, social and economic effects of a public transportation system closedown. The methodology that was used for the development of the simulator is system dynamics, because it is used to understand how a system's behaviour emerges and how insights can be gained into how policy changes might alter the very same behaviour. The simulator is based on two simulation models that investigate the importance of an urban transportation system in two different time frameworks. The main results demonstrate that the behaviour of the passengers affects the operation of the transportation system and consequently, the economic activity of the entire urban environment. Finally, the simulator and the tested policies demonstrated that the improvement of transportation drives the economic development of an urban environment.
Keywords: system dynamics; transportation system; terrorist attack; simulation tool; effective decision-making; crisis management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2017.089241
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2017 Vol.13 No.4, pp.329 - 353
Received: 20 Oct 2016
Accepted: 28 Apr 2017
Published online: 10 Jan 2018 *