Title: Generalised intuitionistic fuzzy entropy and weighted correlation with application in multi-attributes decision-making
Authors: Pratiksha Tiwari
Addresses: Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, Plot No. 6, Sector 25, Rohini, Delhi, India
Abstract: The present paper introduces generalised entropy for intuitionistic fuzzy entropy of order α with the evidences of its validity along with some of its properties. The proposed measure is a generalisation of the entropy given by De Luca and Termini (1972). It has been used to determine weights of both experts and attributes in intuitionistic fuzzy environment using decision matrices in multi-attributes decision-making problem with unknown weights. Further, weighted correlation coefficient is defined using the proposed entropy measure and correlation coefficients between alternatives and ideal point are determined. The value of correlation coefficient is used to rank the alternative and the alternative with greatest weighted correlation coefficient is selected as an optimal solution. Finally, an illustrative example describes its application on multi-attributes decision-making problem with undefined weights.
Keywords: intuitionistic fuzzy set; IFS; intuitionistic fuzzy entropy; weights; weighted correlation coefficient; multi-attributes decision-making problem.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFCM.2017.089446
International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling, 2017 Vol.2 No.3, pp.261 - 274
Received: 18 Dec 2016
Accepted: 06 Jun 2017
Published online: 24 Jan 2018 *