Title: Bus stop network catchment analysis of integrated feeder service for public bus transit system - a case study of Ahmedabad City
Authors: Manjurali I. Balya; Rakesh Kumar; Pradip J. Gundaliya
Addresses: Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 395007, Gujarat, India ' Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 395007, Gujarat, India ' Civil Engineering Department, L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India
Abstract: In developing countries, public transit buses can play a primary role to improve accessibility if they integrated with feeder services. This paper highlights the network catchment analysis of integrated feeder service to the bus stops of BRTS corridor of Ahmedabad city. The revealed preference and stated preference survey is used to collect data for application in SPSS and GIS for spatial catchment analysis. The distance decay curve results demonstrate that percentage of trips is declining with increasing miles from home to the transit bus stops. An average exiting catchment area observed as 940, while the proposed catchment area found as 1998 m for both BRT and non-BRT users and this distance is spatially represented by GIS buffering technique. The improved methodology of this case study can apply as a base for the planning of integrated feeder service bus stops catchment of same-sized metropolitan cities.
Keywords: bus stop network; catchment analysis; public bus transit system; distance decay function; geographic information system.
DOI: 10.1504/WRITR.2018.089534
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 2018 Vol.7 No.1, pp.80 - 98
Received: 14 Aug 2017
Accepted: 30 Oct 2017
Published online: 29 Jan 2018 *