Title: Knowledge sharing practices supporting continuous incremental innovation
Authors: Mikko Mäntyneva; Vesa Salminen
Addresses: Smart Services Research Unit, Hame University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), P.O. Box 230, 13101, Hameenlinna, Finland ' Smart Services Research Unit, Hame University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), P.O. Box 230, 13101, Hameenlinna, Finland
Abstract: This paper studies knowledge sharing practices and their effect on the success in incremental innovation activity in large Finnish companies. The empirical study is based on a quantitative internet-based survey targeted to the representatives of 50 largest companies in Finland. Out of these 50 targeted companies, 36 (72%) participated in the survey. All in all, the questionnaire was sent to 135 persons representing targeted companies and out of them 37 persons (27%) responded. A conceptual model on how knowledge sharing practices affect company's success in its incremental innovation activity was created. The conceptual model includes three research hypotheses that were tested empirically. The paper also provides guidance on managerial implications covering how the management of a company may take an active role to support knowledge sharing related practices and culture and thus improve company's success in its incremental innovation activity.
Keywords: knowledge sharing; incremental innovation; continuous innovation; value proposition.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2017.089662
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2017 Vol.15 No.4, pp.427 - 435
Received: 26 Sep 2017
Accepted: 26 Sep 2017
Published online: 05 Feb 2018 *