Title: What does the Twitter mean for the traditional media users?
Authors: Yoosun Hwang
Addresses: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Joong-bu University, Donghunro 305, Dukyangku, Koyang, Kyungkido, South Korea
Abstract: Although the perspectives on Twitter highlight its functions as an information medium, this study explores the conversational aspect of Twitter to broaden the concept of social media. Since various media co-exist and media is used transversely, the present study examines the functional alternatives that take the relationship with traditional media into consideration as a theoretical background. Twitter users' predispositions regarding the level of adaptation to the technology of Social network sites and the socio-political inclinations were incorporated. Data were obtained via online survey and correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted. The results reveal that the amount of traditional media use positively relates to Twitter activity and conversation. The users' perceived communication competence and socio-political characteristics predict the degree of Twitter conversation. Based on these findings, implications about being social on Twitter were discussed.
Keywords: being social; conversation; functional alternatives; information; mobile; Twitter; wireless.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2018 Vol.16 No.2, pp.190 - 208
Accepted: 15 Sep 2016
Published online: 09 Feb 2018 *