Title: The effect of CSR practices on organisational performance in the container shipping in Taiwan

Authors: Chung-Shan Yang

Addresses: Department of Aviation and Maritime Transportation Management, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan City, Taiwan

Abstract: This study empirically examined the relationships between corporate social responsibility (CSR), customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and organisational performance in the container shipping context. We collected data from a survey of 124 container shipping firms and agencies and used a structural equation model to test the research hypotheses. We confirmed that CSR implementation increases customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, which in turn enhance organisational performance. This paper discusses the managerial implications for container shipping firms to improve their CSR and organisational performance.

Keywords: container shipping; transport logistics; corporate social responsibility; CSR; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty; organisational performance; philanthropic responsibility; ethical responsibility; economic responsibility; environmental responsibility; Taiwan.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2018.090098

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2018 Vol.10 No.2, pp.181 - 201

Received: 11 Dec 2015
Accepted: 21 Apr 2017

Published online: 28 Feb 2018 *

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