Title: Viticulture and viniculture in Jundiaí: creating a website to promote them
Authors: Rosane Carnevali; Cida Sanches
Addresses: Department of Administration Master's Programme, FACCAMP, Rua Guatemala, nº 167, 13231-230 Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, Brazil ' Department of Administration Master's Programme, FACCAMP, Rua Guatemala, nº 167, 13231-230 Campo Limpo Paulista, SP, Brazil
Abstract: This study analyses the stages of creating a website to promote and divulge the viticulture of Jundiaí through enotourism. The website contains information on the location of vineyards and the production of table wine in the region, as well as its history, wineries, restaurants and festive dates related to wine. It also has information about the town, its history, scenery and leisure facilities. The website was created and validated using design science. A sample of 80 users of the website evaluated different features of it and the responses were collected using a Likert scale, with a high level of approval.
Keywords: viticulture; viniculture; enotourism; colonial wine; handmade wine; Pope's wine; wine route; Caxambú winery region; Jundiaí; land of the grape; Brazilian wine; enotourism; design science; stochastic oscillator of Wilder; levels of adherence.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2018.090217
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018 Vol.33 No.3, pp.335 - 353
Received: 30 Nov 2015
Accepted: 02 Jun 2016
Published online: 06 Mar 2018 *