Title: Hybrid logical and probabilistic models for management of socioeconomic safety
Authors: Vasily Karasev; Eugene Solozhentsev
Addresses: Intellectual Integrated Systems Laboratory, IPME RAS, Saint-Petersburg, V.O., Bolshoy pr., 61, 199178, Russia ' Intellectual Integrated Systems Laboratory, IPME RAS, Saint-Petersburg, V.O., Bolshoy pr., 61, 199178, Russia
Abstract: Hybrid logical and probabilistic (LP) models and software based on 'top-economics' are presented. Hybrid LP risk models contain the following subjects in problem decisions: government, legislative authorities, businesses, scientists, public opinion and objects (tasks), which are the sense of the problem. Statements of 'top-economics', its features and advantages are stated. The concept 'invalidity' in economics is discussed by analogy with reliability and safety in engineering. New Boolean events-propositions and new LP risk models for economic safety management are described.
Keywords: hybrid risk LP model; socio-economic problems; corruption; drug addiction; innovation system; top-economics; invalidity.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRAM.2018.090258
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 2018 Vol.21 No.1/2, pp.89 - 110
Received: 02 Jul 2016
Accepted: 03 Jan 2017
Published online: 07 Mar 2018 *