Title: Machining guidelines for fabricating microgrooves of varied cross-sections by electrochemical micromachining
Authors: V. Rathod; B. Doloi; B. Bhattacharyya
Addresses: Mechanical Engineering Department, Govt. Polytechnic, Mumbai, 49, Kherwadi, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051, Maharashtra, India ' Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 700 032, India ' Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 700 032, India
Abstract: Simple microgrooves can be fabricated easily, whereas fabrication of varied cross-sectional microgrooves on metallic surfaces is still a challenging task by present traditional as well as non-traditional methods. An application of electrochemical micromachining (ECμM) for machining various cross-sectional microgrooves on SS has been proposed in this paper. Influences of process parameters on width overcut have been investigated, and experimental findings have been applied to devise guidelines to fabricate various cross-sectional microgrooves. Disc microtool with longitudinal vibration has been utilised in layered machining of microgrooves. Duty ratio has been varied from 30% to 60% along depth of microgroove with other identical process parameters. The guidelines for straight, reverse tapered, barrel-shaped, double stepped, spherical based, and microgroove with internal pocket have been developed, and fabrications of these microgrooves have been demonstrated successfully. The experimental findings may be useful for planning and machining various cross-sections of microgrooves for different applications.
Keywords: microgroove; cross-section; machining guideline; disc microtool; ECµM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPTECH.2017.090774
International Journal of Precision Technology, 2017 Vol.7 No.2/3/4, pp.169 - 187
Received: 01 Mar 2017
Accepted: 12 Dec 2017
Published online: 27 Mar 2018 *