Title: Computational modelling and simulation of commercial truck with road-tyre interactions to evaluate ride comfort
Authors: Ashish Gupta; Vikas Rastogi
Addresses: Design Engineering Centre, Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technical University, New Delhi, 110042, India ' Design Engineering Centre, Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technical University, New Delhi, 110042, India
Abstract: This paper deals with a bond graph (BG) model of road truck, which includes roll and pitch motions. The vehicle system comprises cab, cargo, base frame, suspension system and pneumatic tyres. The dynamic behaviour of the truck has also been presented, which incorporates the wheel/tyres, axle/suspension and frame of the vehicle. The potential usefulness of the integrated BG model of vehicle may be used for the evaluation of the ride comfort. Another focus of the paper is the dynamic and thermal analysis of tyre system, which demonstrates its behaviour at different temperature conditions. The simulation of the model is carried out to obtain the vertical accelerations of the cab, cargo and base frame at various operating speeds. The ride comfort of the cab is evaluated using the FFT analysis at various speeds and the analysis is corroborated with the standard ISO 2631.
Keywords: over the road truck; comfort evaluation; bond graph modelling; ride comfort.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.2018.091000
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2018 Vol.25 No.2, pp.133 - 150
Received: 15 Mar 2016
Accepted: 29 Oct 2016
Published online: 06 Apr 2018 *