Title: Alarm device for locating people submerged beneath water based on the geomagnetic sensor
Authors: Chen Zhou; Liu Lin; Quan Wang
Addresses: College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China ' School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China ' State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
Abstract: An alarm device consisting of data collection module, control module and radio frequency module for locating people submerged beneath water is investigated. By combining the magnetic field distribution information and acceleration sensor, the alarm device is able to simulate submerged person movement path in the data collection module. STC89C51 is selected as the main control chip in the control module for alarm switching, information encoding and control of radio frequency mode. A third-generation wireless transceiver chip nRF2401 is adopted in the radio frequency module, allowing data transmission in the international ISM frequency range. The implementation based on the geomagnetic sensor that is simple in design, boasts full functions and has excellent drowning detection sensitivity. Additional wireless emission coordinate capability will improve efficiency and shipwreck rescue and maritime navigation in the future.
Keywords: geomagnetic sensor; locating people; alarming device.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCOM.2018.091622
International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing, 2018 Vol.3 No.2/3, pp.226 - 234
Received: 13 Nov 2017
Accepted: 21 Nov 2017
Published online: 08 May 2018 *