Title: Towards a networked governance approach in Danish hospitals? Analysing the role of patients in solving wicked problems
Authors: Annalisa Brambini; Jan Vang
Addresses: Department of Political Science, Frederikskaj 10, Building: B, Room: 3rd floor, 2450 København SV, DK, Denmark ' Department of Business and Management, Center for Industrial Production (CIP), Frederikskaj 10, Building: B, Room: 1st floor, 2450 København SV, DK, Denmark
Abstract: Hospitals across the globe are prone to numerous wicked problems. Wicked problems are difficult to solve and continue to negatively influence hospital systems. The proponents of the networked governance approach suggest that a new governance mode embracing a collaborative innovation approach to solving wicked problems has emerged. In the context of hospitals, collaborative innovation refers to mobilising patients for, in collaboration with staff members and other stakeholders, solving wicked hospital problems. The claims put forward by proponents of networked governance have not been assessed in the context of hospitals. This paper reduces this research gap by conducting an analysis of the extent to which Danish hospitals have implemented a collaborative innovation approach involving patients as an innovation asset in a systematic manner. The paper shows that the use of new collaborative innovative techniques involving patients have been embraced, but not for solving wicked problems and not in a systematic manner. The paper suggests that hospitals need to embrace collaborative innovation endeavours and patient involvement in a systematic manner for solving wicked problems.
Keywords: healthcare; hospitals; innovation; networked governance; wicked problems; Denmark.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2018.091687
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2018 Vol.14 No.3, pp.291 - 311
Received: 06 Dec 2014
Accepted: 06 May 2015
Published online: 14 May 2018 *