Title: Audio encryption - a chaos-based data byte scrambling technique
Authors: M.Y. Mohamed Parvees; J. Abdul Samath; B. Parameswaran Bose
Addresses: Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046, India ' Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet – 642126, India ' Fat Pipe Network Pvt. Ltd., Mettukuppam, Chennai – 600009, India; #35, I Main, Indiragandhi Street, Udayanagar, Bengalore, India
Abstract: This study proposes an efficient audio byte scrambling technique using multiple chaotic maps. The audio encryption scheme uses Henon map and chaotic economic map for creating sequences. The system uses an efficient algorithm which makes the sequences to interdependent with each other. This inter-dependency will add more sensitivity and complexity to the proposed algorithm. A repeated application of confusion and diffusion techniques on plain audio data bytes produces the cipher audio data bytes which can be stored or sent through the public channel. The detailed study of chaotic maps with respect to Lyapunov exponent and bifurcate nature, supports the proposed cryptosystem to behave chaotically, thereby produce highly secured cipher audio. The results of the various analyses including histogram, key space, key sensitivity, statistical, differential attack, entropy, mean-variance data bytes value and randomness analyses ensures the security of the audio encryption scheme against various kinds of attacks.
Keywords: audio encryption; confusion; diffusion; chaotic map.
DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2018.091847
International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 2018 Vol.8 No.1, pp.51 - 75
Received: 28 Oct 2016
Accepted: 12 Jan 2018
Published online: 18 May 2018 *