Title: Keeping up with the cyberloafer: how do cyberloafing and creative self-efficacy bear with creativity?
Authors: Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri; Desy Mayasari
Addresses: Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl Ir. Sutami 36a Kentingan, Solo, Central Java 57126, Indonesia ' Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Management, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl Ir. Sutami 36a Kentingan, Solo, Central Java 57126, Indonesia
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of cyberloafing in predicting creative performance. Cyberloafing is elaborated into four dimensions - emailing, surfing, leisure activities and serious browsing activities - in order to gain more insights on each dimension. The results of the study show that emailing activities and leisure activities have a positive effect on creativity while surfing activities have no effect on creativity. However, serious browsing activity has a negative effect on creativity. This study also explores the role of creative self-efficacy as a moderation in inhibiting the creativity through interactions with emailing, surfing and leisure browsing activities. The study suggests that the greater the creative self-efficacy of the employee, the weaker the effects are. Furthermore, leisure browsing activities and surfing activities are negatively associated with creativity, while the role of creative self-efficacy increases the relationship between emailing activities and creativity. These findings highlight the importance of managing the different dimensions of cyberloafing in the creativity area. Implications for research and management practice are discussed in this paper.
Keywords: cyberloafing; surfing activities; leisure browsing activities; emailing activities; serious browsing activities; creative self-efficacy; creative performance.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2017 Vol.10 No.6, pp.652 - 670
Received: 13 Feb 2017
Accepted: 10 Aug 2017
Published online: 21 May 2018 *