Title: The influence from corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship on white-collar workers' employee innovation behaviour
Authors: Bjorn Willy Amo
Addresses: Bodo Graduate School of Business, NO-8049 Bodo, Norway
Abstract: Scant attention has been directed toward exploring the entrepreneurial innovation behaviour of employees who are not managers. A two-level structural equation model of white-collar workers (n=153) shows that the organisations competitive strategies determine the organisations desire for employee innovation behaviour. The organisations desire for employee innovation behaviour together with an employee|s proactivity determines the employee|s innovation behaviour.
Keywords: business growth; corporate entrepreneurship; innovation behaviour; intrapreneurship; organisational desire for innovation; organisational strategy; proactivity; worker participation; white-collar workers; employee innovation.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2006 Vol.3 No.3, pp.284 - 298
Published online: 10 Mar 2006 *
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