Title: Identifying the variables associated with types of innovation, radical or incremental: strategic flexibility, organisation and context
Authors: Carmen Cabello-Medina, Antonio Carmona-Lavado, Ramon Valle-Cabrera
Addresses: Universidad Pablo De Olavide, Ctra. Utrera, km. 1, Sevilla 41013, Spain. ' Universidad Pablo De Olavide, Ctra. Utrera, km. 1, Sevilla 41013, Spain. ' Universidad Pablo De Olavide, Ctra. Utrera, km. 1, Sevilla 41013, Spain
Abstract: There is a broad area of research that focuses on organisational factors that promote innovation. However, studies on the subject of the variables associated with the type of innovation, radical or incremental, are still scarce. We have made a theoretical revision concerning the possible connections between several contextual, strategic and organisational characteristics and the kinds of innovation concerned. Our review of the literature allows us to formulate a set of propositions about the nature of these relationships. Our field study of some 124 Spanish companies supports most of our propositions.
Keywords: radical innovation; incremental innovation; organisation; strategic flexibility; context; Spain; innovation types; organisational variables; contextual factors.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 Vol.35 No.1/2/3/4, pp.80 - 106
Published online: 13 Mar 2006 *
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