Title: Editorial: Technology and innovation management: past research, present findings and future directions
Authors: Mariano Nieto, Jose E. Navas
Addresses: Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Leon, Campus de Vegazana, Leon 24071, Spain. ' Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas, Madrid 28223, Spain
Abstract: The management of technological innovation has become one of the most attractive and promising fields within the management areana. However, for the time being, there is no solid theoretical basis in our academic community for the study of innovation management. This shortage is especially shown by the coexistence of radically different methods of approach and the absence of a precise and commonly accepted terminology. This editorial outlines the development of research on technology management and innovation management and indicates the contribution made by papers in this special issue.
Keywords: technology management; innovation management
International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 Vol.35 No.1/2/3/4, pp.1 - 10
Published online: 13 Mar 2006 *
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