Title: Hedonic and utilitarian values of mobile internet in Korea
Authors: Cheol Park
Addresses: School of Business Administration, Korea University, Jochiwon, Chungnam, 339–700, South Korea
Abstract: This study investigated the hedonic and utilitarian values of the mobile internet and their relationships to the importance of attributes of and usage behaviours of mobile internet service. Using data from 487 respondents to a survey, ANOVA and correlation analysis were performed. The hedonic value of the mobile internet correlated with the importance of service cost (negatively), use convenience (positively) and information quality (positively), while the utilitarian value correlated with the importance of service cost (positively) and connection stability (positively). Furthermore, significant correlation was obtained between the hedonic value of and usage behaviours of mobile internet, including usage frequency per week, average connection time, usage intention of mobile internet and acceptance intention of mobile commerce. There were significant correlations between the utilitarian value and usage frequency per week and usage intention of the mobile internet. Herein, the implications of the study and further research issues are discussed.
Keywords: mobile internet; consumer value; service attributes; m-commerce; Korea; mobile commerce; mobile communications; service cost; usage convenience; information quality; connection stability; usage frequency; average connection time; usage intention.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2006 Vol.4 No.5, pp.497 - 508
Published online: 14 Mar 2006 *
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